How to get admitted In English department of Dhaka University has become a talk of the topic among students who want to study in English department. University of Dhaka is one of the prime university in Bangladesh. This university is superior to all other universities of Bangladesh which is pioneered by Nawab Sir KhwajaSalimullah . As University of Dhaka is one of the best university in Bangladesh with high quality of education most of the students of any department want to admit here and continue their education as a student of this university. Every year after passing HSC examination many aspiring students take a high contemplation of study to found them as a student of this university. This university is not just an oldest university in Bangladesh but during any national crisis, movements and liberation war this university has played a head role which is a historical phenomenon. In this university English department is core department, This English department of this university is established in 1921 and the aim of this to make this university a prime center to English language skills development. English is now a world language. This English department of Dhaka University wants to streamline and navigate the students to the completive world. By learning there a student may find them with high knowledge in English writing, reading and English literacy. They can develop their idea how to run fast in a competitive world with a vast knowledge. Now, it should be discuss here that, why university of Dhaka is a good choice and what are the requirements to admission.
From the genesis of university of Dhaka, this university has established themselves as a greatest university in all faculties and departments. This university not only has good quality of education but also has best lectures in the country. Even, this university every years produce many brilliant student who take parts in many phrase in country for development, social and political reforms, to establish rule of law and many national prosperity. Though there has many other universities in Bangladesh which is with high value, good quality of education and educational environment but still from the establish of university of Dhaka , this university successfully has retained their name, fame , quality of education , good management system . Even many poor students who are extremely meritorious aim them to admit here as this university has very low education fees with a greatest quality of education. Even, after passing HSC examination, the high aspiring number of students are clear evidence about the fame of this institution. Most of the famous and established person in our country once embraced their students’ carrier from here. Dhaka University now not only ranked 1st in Bangladesh but also this university has codified their name among top universities in the World by many survey. It is proud for our country that, our qualified education now discussed abroad. Here, why university of Dhaka is a good choice has shown here. It should also be discussed how to get admitted In English department of Dhaka University and what are the requirements to admission.
The examination of English department of university of Dhaka is held under “B” or “kha” unit. English Department has total 128 seats. The English department is under Arts faculty. After passing successfully at HSC examination, students prepare to admit a good institution to accomplish their honors course .In this regard , most of the students want to admit the university of Dhaka which is the best university in Bangladesh. Now discuss what the requirements of admission is. As , University of Dhaka is superior than all other universities in Bangladesh , therefore , it has retained its high quality of education and every year it produces many brilliant students .English is an international language , Dhaka university English department is more qualified than other universities English departments with best students, best lecturers, best management system etc. Total GPA 7.00 is needed out of GPA 10, GPA 3.00 both SSC and HSC. Marks are distributed as following 30 marks in MCQ and 50 marks for written and rest 20 marks for CGPA. The examination process and result are published online. But, this university with their limited seats take few from thousands students. By undergoing a strong completion few meritorious lucky students found them as a student of this university. Industry is the key to success as the meritorious students who undergo a high contemplation may found them a student of this university. Here, it has discussed How to get admitted In English department of Dhaka University and what are the requirements to admission here. Lastly, a question may arise here, why university of Dhaka is a good choice, the answer is the question is a good valued and good quality of education which is best in Bangladesh.