NTRCA vacancy list 2023 published on official website www.ntrca.gov.bd and it is the official web page of NTRCA Teletalk. Already many districts vacant list have been published of the non-government teacher registration authority.
NTRCA is a non government teachers registration organization is Bangladesh. They are only authority to register non government teachers and they issue certificate in this issue. Without NTRCA certificate no one get job in non government MPO school, college or madrasha. So it’s very important to non government MPO school, college or madrasha job seekers. Now a days this sector career is very attractive for young Bangladeshi jobs seekers. Because government increasing facility of this sector day by day. See ntrca vacant list 2023.
Government appointed NTRCA to register who wants to get job non government MPO school, college or madrasha. NTRCA take place examination every year a public examination in this issue. The examination very competitive now a days. Here three steps examination placed each year. At first take place MCQ examination. Who get pass the very competitive MCQ examination they can attend then the written examination. See ntrca vacancy list 2022, teacher registration vacant list 2023.
NTRCA Vacant List 2023
At last they passed the written examination they can attend viva voice. If you pass viva voice successfully then you will be eligible to get NTRCA certificate. But the certificate is not a guaranty to get job on non government MPO school, college or madrasha job seekers. NTRCA finally publish a merit list who recently passed the above mention examination. So if you passed the NTRCA examination then you should wait when the NTRCA publish the final ntrca vacant list 2023 teacher registration vacant list 2023
So we have given below ntrca vacancy list 2023 on image file You can check here if you are listed on this. Please stay with www.ejobbd.com to get latest update. Thanks in advance.